Counseling: EOPS counselors are trained professionally to provide academic, planning and personal counseling. Counselors will assist students with establishing educational and career goals. A Student Educational Plan (SEP) will be developed with the active involvement of each EOPS student. Assistance will be given with class scheduling and registration. The EOPS counselor will become the liaison with the Financial Aid Office for our EOPS students.
The EOPS counseling service is available through Zoom video calls or regular phone calls to facilitate accessibility for students with transportation limitations or students enrolled at the Vacaville, Vallejo, or Travis Air Force Base centers.
EOPS Book Service Program: The EOPS Program provides a Book Service Program to eligible EOPS students to help purchase some of their required textbooks. This program is offered to eligible new and continuing EOPS students that are in compliance with their EOPS Mutual Responsibility Contract.
Graduation Assistance: EOPS counselors will monitor each EOPS student’s academic progress to ensure completion of graduation requirements.
Priority Registration: Current EOPS students will receive priority registration each semester. Student must be making academic progress each semester to retain the privilege to use priority registration. The EOPS Program will have assistance available for students registering for the classes according to their SEP.
EOPS Lab: Current EOPS student now has an area with computers and a printer to complete their class assignments. The EOPS Lab is located in room 426.
EOPS Library: The EOPS Program has purchased current textbooks for EOPS students to use in the EOPS Lab to complete class assignments. If you need to complete your homework and do not have the textbooks, please ask front line staff to use the book in the lab.
EOPS Lending Library: The EOPS Program has implemented the EOPS Lending Library Program for students that just need one more additional book that they were unable to purchase with the EOPS Book Service voucher. Please see office staff for additional information.
Recognition Celebration: The EOPS Program conducts a celebration that recognizes current EOPS students that are transferring or graduating from Solano CommunityCollege. EOPS also celebrates EOPS students that are on the “President’s and Dean’s List for academic achievements (fall semester candidates).
Transfer Assistance: EOPS counselors will provide information to assist students to transfer to a four-year college or university. While working with the EOPS counselor, students will be encouraged to maximize their options to increase their chances for university success. Fee waivers for university admission application(s) will be provided. Application fee waivers are for current EOPS students only.
Workshops: EOPS Workshops will be conducted throughout the year to encourage our EOPS students to persist with their academic goals. Some topics adreesed by EOPS Workshops are: Time Management, Study Techniques, Financial Literacy, Parenting Techniques, Resilience, Resume Writing, etc.
EOPS Workshops will be available through Zoom video calls to facilitate accessibility for students with transportation limitations or students enrolled at the Vacaville, Vallejo, or Travis Air Force Base centers.
Office Hours
EOPS Counseling Drop-In Schedule
Mondays to Thursdays 10:00-10:30am and 2:00-2:30pm
REMEMBER: If you are 10 or more minutes late for your Counseling appointments, you MUST reschedule.